Aurora Orchestra on tour with 'Rite of Spring' - memorised

Aurora Orchestra impresses on tour with Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring'.

This past august and september saw Aurora Orchestra on tour with Igor Stravinsky's impressive 'Rite of Spring' - performed by heart of course. The tour started with their debut at Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival and return to the sold-out Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and continued to Kurhaus Wiesbaden as part of Rheingau Musik Festival. For the first half they were joined by Sheku Kanneh-Mason, playing Blochs 'Schelomo'. The Hamburger Abendblatt praised the performance as 'controlled madness' and pointed out that 'this time, however, [the audience] went wild with righteous enthusiasm', which was only seconded by the Frankfurter Neue Presse.

The tour continued to Helsinki Music Festival and concluded at the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall London, where the orchestra presented the staged version including narration to high critial acclaim.